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UC Global Health Day

The CGMH helped to highlight the field of Global Mental Health at the annual UC Global Health Day, hosted this academic year at UC San Diego. Dr. Vikram Patel (Harvard Medical School and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) delivered the Keynote Lecture for the Plenary I, along with commentary by Dr. Janis Jenkins (Director, CGMH; UC San Diego) and Dr. Bruce Link (UC Riverside). All three are leading figures in Global Mental Health.


Plenary I

Dr. Patel in his keynote speech drew attention to the treatment gap for mental illnesses worldwide and calling for universal mental health coverage around the world. In order to make this happen, Patel argued that mental health must become a human rights issue. 

Dr. Janis Jenkins and Bruce Link commented on Patel's talk. Dr. Jenkins concured that the time is right for mental health to be addressed as a global developmental priority. She eblorated how culture influences the expierence of mental illnesses and treatment, and thus is a vital part of global mental health. Dr. Link's response added empahisis to structural stigma and institutionalized racism surrounding mental illness. He concluded detailing that creativity, rigor and heart are the "essences needed to push positive change".

Plenary I Speakers: Drs. Bruce Link, Vikram Patel, Janis Jenkins, Thomas Csordas.


CGMH Symposium

Additionally, the CGMH Executive Members (Drs. Jyoti Mishra, David Grelotti, Janis Jenkins) held a breakout session for UC Global Health Day entitled, "Promoting Mental Health for Global Youth"



The CGMH also tabled the event featuring our research projects and future events. 


Articles recapping the event:

Students and Faculty Commit to Healthier World as Part of UC Global Health Day 2018

Universal Mental Health Coverage -- UC Global Health Day 2018

Catalyzing Student Advocacy Into Action

Keynote Speaker


Vikram Patel, MBBS, PhD
Pershing Square Professor of Global Health and Wellcome Trust Principal Research Fellow, Department of Global Health and Social Medicine
Harvard Medical School



Janis Jenkins, PhD
Professor of Anthropology and Psychiatry
Director, Center for Global Mental Health
University of California San Diego


Bruce Link, MS, PhD
Distinguished Professor of Public Policy and Sociology
University of California Riverside