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2019 SPA Biennial Meeting

The Society for Psychological Anthropology held its biennial meeting on April 4-7, 2019 at Tamaya Resort, owned by the Santa Ana Pueblo in New Mexico.

The meeting addressed signifcant topics of psychological anthropology with profits returning to the people of the Santa Ana Pueblo for a range of social programs.  


On April 4th 2019 two research panels led by CGMH members were presented.  The first paper session, entitled Global Mental Health and Psychological Anthropology:  Intersections and Future Directions,” included paper presented by Janis H. Jenkins (UCSD), Byron Good (Harvard Medical School), Thomas J Csordas (UCSD), Neely Myers (Southern Methodist University), Angela Garcia (Stanford University), with MaryJo DelVecchio Good (Harvard Medical School) as Discussant. 

The second paper session was entitled "Contexts of Care and Trajectories of Recovery in Global Mental Health” with papers presented by Ippolytos Kalofonos (UCLA), Olga Olivas Hernandez (UCSD), Bonnie Kaiser (UCSD), Ellen Kozelka (UCSD), Giselle Sanchez (UCSD), Elizabeth Carpenter-Song (Dartmouth University), with Tanya Luhrmann (Stanford University) as Discussant.  


From left to right: Ellen Kozelka, C. Phil; Dr. Elizabeth Carpenter-Song; Dr. Janis Jenkins; Giselle Sanchez, MA; Dr. Olga Olivas Hernández.


From left to right: Dr. Janis Jenkins (CGMH Director) and Nadia Santillanes (Postdoctoral Scholar at CGMH)

CGMH-SPA Abstract and Further Information

This year's SPA attendees included: 

Dr. Janis Jenkins: Panel Organizer, Paper Presenter
Dr. Tom Csordas: Paper Presenter, Discussant
Dr. Steven Parish: Roundtable Discussant
Dr. Saiba Varma: Panel Organizer, Paper Presenter, Discussant
Dr. Bonnie Kaiser: Paper Presenter, Workshop Organizer
Dr. Nadia Santillanes: Paper Presenter
Dr. Olga Olivas Hernandez: Paper Presenter 


Annika Stone: Paper Presenter 
Ellen Kozelka: Paper Presenter, Panel Organizer, SPA Graduate Student Rep
Giselle Sanchez: Paper Presenter
Hua Miranda Wu: Roundtable Organizer & Participant 
Morgen Chalmiers, Paper Presenter